Gestion Informatique Documentaire

Gestion Informatique Documentaire

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Sitem 2009

We welcomed you to stand G8 from, 27 -29 January, as well as the conference “Management and valuation of collections”, on Wednesday 28th of January from 10 to 12am.
Stephanie Guinet, for Marseille Council, presented the creation of a Marseille cultural network, merging all cultural places of the city. The first stage of this project is the creation of ‘The Central database’, solely through Mobydoc. It merges all of the museums inventories (databases collections) and allows searching across multiple institutions, but through the ease of one portal.

Website with English version:
Read the testimony at


Oracle® or SQL Server®… it’s up to you to choose !
In order to answer the many requests of the managers and IT needs of our customers; Mobydoc offers to you since 2006 the possibility of migrating your databases to a Microsoft SQL or Oracle server.
A server of databases stores data structured in the form of relational tables. It communicates with your software through the network with which it accepts connections, admits requests in SQL language, and provides a response in return from the results of the requests… but beyond a technical speech we provide a pledge of stability and safety !
Indeed, the need for auditing increases considerably the volume of the computerized records, and consequently can slow down the management software. The database server, by its function and structure makes it possible to avoid these annoyances. The volume of data, resulting of an important work of input, needs to be kept safe. Thanks to its management and administration tools the DBMS (database management system) has all the functions necessary, and can be also integrated in the IT security system. Don’t forget to speak about it with your managers, and let us known their preference.

A closer look into the services offered by Mobydoc

More effectiveness and less disruption thanks to Mobydoc’s remote assistance:

Since 2006, Mobydoc uses a remote control tool, Netviewer®, which permits various operations:
Simplified maintenance operations: no more fastidious explanations in order to describe exactly what is on the screen! The Mobydoc correspondent is able to see directly, in strict confidentiality, your application and they can also indicate useful functions.
Remote assistance services and training are now possible.
The OPACWeb implementation projects are driven by this medium: Throughout several pre-organised sessions, the user is guided through the process of on-line publication, ensuring comprehensive training on how to use the tool and a complete transfer of skills. In 4 sessions, spread out over a month, the users are able to make their collection available on line.
Final advantage: No more costly and polluting displacements, this approach allows you to gain efficiently.

Mobydoc helps you to improve your database thanks to the launch of an assistance service:

Does your database appear unsatisfactory to you? Too many errors are detected, has the multiplicity of entered data made the information difficult to read? Starting from this state, does the publication of collections seem difficult?
An evaluation of your database is possible, followed by recommendations which include training on how to use powerful correction tools integrated in the application, and remote assistance services.
After downloading your database, a day is normally sufficient to carry out this evaluation and to offer formulated recommendations, which will be explained by one of Mobydoc’s professional assistance team.





Creation of new User Groups in France

The creation of regional User Groups, in response to the numerous requests from the users, is a real success, as shown at the occasion of the first Burgundy User Group. The meeting was held on 18th November at the Archaeology museum of Dijon.

Burgundy User Group: 20 members from 12 institutions of the region shared their experiences and followed demonstrations (optional modules, tools for the web, new features and functionalities).

A “User Group”: what is it for?
It offers its members various opportunities:
-  The opportunity to partake in regional meetings and exchange experiences, particularly for those who are unable to participate to the RUM
 - To directly communicate any issues to our Mobydoc User Group advisor, regarding the use of their databases, the on-line publication of particular projects (on-line publication of collections, exhibitions, auditing, etc)  This face-to-face opportunity is organised with the region’s User Group advisor, and consists of one or several annual meetings according to specific needs.
 - To discuss precise documentary questions through on site demonstrations. An agenda for these occasions can be arranged in advance. 

The extension of the Mobydoc Intranet through User Groups allows you to centralise the organisation of meetings and to follow up your discussions with our team. This is reserved for the members of each of the groups. To access the UK User Group, please contact us on 05 62 73 39 70.
New User Groups are currently being created in various regions (Burgundy, North of France, Brittany) and will join those that are already in existence: Normandy, “Ile de France” Paris, United Kingdom (National User Group).

The Rum: annual meetings of Mobydoc users’.

RUM 2008 - Marseille

Since 1993, Mobydoc organise regular meetings.
Whether to exchange experiences and tips, compare various ways to use the same tools, consider improvements or modifications of the software, launch the foundation for future developments, the reasons are numerous not to meet.
This meeting, unique opportunity to take a sneak preview of current developments and new functions, meet our team members and participate to workshops, takes place over one day.
It is also the opportunity to visit a museum in the company of its leaders, exchange between professionals from different countries and share your experience.
It's finally an opportunity to share a good meal!

Thus, the first RUM took place in Toulouse at the Bazacle in 1993 and then in the following museums:
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, 1994
Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace - Le Bourget, 1995
Musée de Bretagne et Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, 1996
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lille, 1998
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 1999
Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs - Paris, 2000
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire-Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Neuchâtel, Suisse 2001
Musée Dobrée - Nantes, 2002
Hôtel d’Assézat - Fondation Bemberg, Toulouse, 2004
Musée des Beaux Arts de Caen et Musée de Normandie, 2007

Some pictures of the last Rums in Nantes, Toulouse and Caen.